PT. Garda Sekawan Utama

Bali Security Services

Integrated Security Solution | VIP Travel Assistance | Outsourcing | Travel Agency | Bali Event Security Team

PT. Garda Sekawan Utama

Outsourcing has become a powerful mantra to maximize company performance in competitive business situations because companies can concentrate more on their core competencies. 

Certain parts of the work are transferred to third parties who have competence in the field but remain under the control of the organization. Thus, investment can be managed better, risk can be spread out and efficiency can be increased to save the company’s time and efforts. 

In connection with the above, PT Garda Sekawan Utama is present as one of the security outsourcing manpower management companies which were established in 2020 and have started to specialize its business as an security service manpower management company in the Bali Region and its surroundings.

Outsourcing Services


We outsourcing security serve small and medium sized companies in all security personnel, travel agency, cleaning service personeel, related with high quality services which are presented below



Focus on Target





Security Consulting Services

Our Security Consulting team specialises in the review, development, and implementation of security risk management strategies, programmes, and capabilities.

Document Services

We provide fast track document services such as visa, passport and other travel documents.


VIP Assistance

The service will provide clients with VIP assistance needed for the trip, starting from the time when clients arrive in Bali up to the time of departure from Bali. We are also ready to serve at: Lombok, Labuan Bajo, Raja Ampat


Security Personnel

We have reliable personnel in their fields and have gone through standardized training

VIP Assistance

We help manage the needs of VIP’s while in Bali, Indonesia. With experienced local staff serving local and international guests, on formal and informal visits. 


Labuhan Bajo


Raja Ampat


Mr Joe from England

"The level of professionalism of the guards service during my holiday in Bali was truly impressive. They were not only highly skilled at maintaining security, but also friendly and responsive to our needs. Every step of our trip felt safe and orderly thanks to their exceptional service. I highly recommend this guards service to anyone who wants a calm and safe holiday in Bali." s

One of the general managers of a hotel in Ubud entrusted security to PT Garda Sekawan Utama.

Mr Omnia & Mr rasyed from Dubai

Security officer PT Garda Sekawan Utama demonstrated expertise not only in ensuring our safety but also in meeting our needs quickly, they provided an invaluable sense of security so that our holiday in Bali was smooth and enjoyable. I express my sincere thanks for their excellent service and would recommend them to anyone looking for the best guard services in Bali.


PT. Garda Sekawan Utama

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