PT. Garda Sekawan Utama

Bali Security Services

We have service Security Personnel,Travel Agency, Cleaning Service, Engineering Service, Administration Staff, Parking Staff.

Recommendations for Trusted Security Guard Services in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241 – Every person or area will certainly need security personnel who can be placed in various positions. To find the right security personnel, you must find a reliable and quality security guard service or service.

If you need this kind of service, then you can directly contact us to take advantage of the service. But before that, make sure to know some details first.

Rekomendasi Jasa Security Guard Terpercaya di Bali, Hubungi WA 081311142228/081337054241

About Us

Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU Is a company in the field of facility services that has been operating for the last 5 years in the Bali area and is managed by native sons and daughters of the region who have years of experience with international quality.

One of the sub-fields that we manage is facility services, with several sub-services: Security Guard, Cleaning Service, Parking staff, Admin staff, Engineering staff, and Gardening & Pest Control.
Our workforce is equipped with training, SOPs, and quality control mechanisms from the Bali and Jakarta offices so that the quality of work is maintained properly.

In addition to outsourcing, GSU ​​also serves VIP Assistance, which is a service that accommodates all client needs, from arriving in Bali to returning to their home country, where the client’s needs include: Airport pick-up & delivery (VIP fast track), provision of English speaking vehicles and drivers, police escort, provision of butlers, chefs, guides, medical personnel, ambulances, cruise ships, and others according to client requests.

Our team has experience in this VIP assistance field because they have served our regular clients from several countries.

Our offices are located in the Denpasar and Jakarta areas, and in recent years have served several local and multi-national clients from various industrial backgrounds in Bali and Jakarta.

For more info please see our website:

Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8131 1142 228
+62 8133 7054 241

Admin 1

Admin 2

Advantages of Using an Outsourcing Company for Security Guard

Currently, utilizing a security guard from an outsourcing company will certainly provide many benefits for those of you who need it. This is of course related to all security processes and safeguarding all the assets you need.

Before you use the services of a security guard provider, then you must know what class of benefits you will achieve. In this description, there are at least five main benefits that will be felt by service users. To find out the details, see the following description:

1. Can Get Trained Officers

The first advantage you will feel is getting trained staff. Since outsourcing companies focus on providing security personnel, an element of the training will be provided. This is specifically given to facilitate service users.

Meanwhile, if you look for security officers yourself without using the help of an outsourcing company, it will be difficult to get a trained one. This is very reasonable because not all parties participate in the training according to their needs.

Since the search will be difficult, it is highly recommended to take advantage of such a workforce provider. That way, you can find trained personnel who can get to work right away without the need to retrain from scratch.

2. According to Needs or Flexible

Security officers provided by outsourcing companies will generally suit your needs and be flexible. When you first use their services, the company will ask what kind of workforce they are looking for.

Because in the outsourcing company there will be a lot of manpower, it will be easy to get what you want. Moreover, the workforce under the auspices of this kind of company is generally ready to adjust to their needs.

If later service users request services that are tailored to their needs suddenly, the workforce can immediately adjust them. However, this still has to be adjusted to a reasonable limit on what responsibilities and rights are owned by the workforce.

3. Excellent Service

The services provided by special security workers from outsourcing companies will also provide excellent service. So before being assigned, every worker already has experience with high professionalism.

Thus, new service users will also receive the same good service. This will certainly be felt by service users as a whole. Service users also do not need to ask for this excellent and optimal service.

Workers who come from companies like this will know what services are needed. If later there is another request, the selected workforce will easily understand what service users want in terms of providing security.

4. Professional Management

Even if you use an outsourcing company, you as a service user will not get an additional burden. Precisely by utilizing the services of an outsourcing company, you will be assisted by professional company management.

So when you use their services, all other supporting elements will be assisted in their management. Starting from the contract agreement, service requests, and selection of workers, to the salary distribution. All these aspects will be assisted to completion.

Whereas if you take care of everything yourself, it will be much more complicated. You will find it difficult to solve it yourself because there will be many parties needed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use services and services like ours.

5. Can Focus on Goals

You can also focus on your goals if you take advantage of services like ours. You just need to contact the outsourcing company and arrange the agreement, then you will get competent security personnel who are very helpful.

That way, you can focus on other tasks that need to be done. You don’t need to be confused about how security will be provided. The steps you need to do are only initial management and providing directions or requests.

After that, you can continue to focus on other areas that need to be worked on without having to worry about security anymore. This of course can make you more productive to complete all work related to all activities.

Rekomendasi Jasa Security Guard Terpercaya di Bali, Hubungi WA 081311142228/081337054241

Recommendations for Trusted Security Guard Services in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Who Needs Security Guard Services?

For those of you who are still confused about whether you need a security guard or not, then you must understand this explanation. Of course, some parties need security services for various activities carried out.

As described earlier, this kind of service will provide various specific advantages. So who needs this kind of service? If you are curious about the answer, then consider the following list:

  • Artists in need of care.
  • Good for daily activities or special events.
  • Regional officials also need security officers to always secure the situation.
  • The head of a company who works indoors or outdoors.
  • An important company whose every part requires tight security.

Some of these groups are those who need this kind of security service. Meanwhile, if it is detailed, many other groups can also take advantage of it. If you fall into this category, then there is nothing wrong with using our services.

Trusted Security Guard Outsourcing Company

Especially for those of you who are still confused about which security guard outsourcing company to use, then you can immediately take advantage of our services. By taking advantage of the services we offer, you will achieve many aspects of convenience that are a pity to ignore.

The security workforce that we provide is of course very qualified and has undergone a good training period. Not only that, but we have also provided every security personnel with SOPs that can be followed to maintain the security of every service user.

The security capabilities that we provide are unquestionable. We have even provided services to important guests who need our services. Whether it’s a top figure or even a company that needs our services.

The number of workers we provide is large, so you can immediately choose the one that fits the required specifications. That way, you can get a qualified workforce who can work according to your wishes.

Not only in terms of the professional workforce that you will achieve, but you also don’t have to worry about the legality element. We have been provided with a valid business license by the provisions. Thus, you can immediately take advantage of our services.

Through the security guard services that we have provided, you don’t need to be confused anymore to find the best one. Because we already have various advantages as listed above, then just contact us to start taking advantage of the service.

Recommendations for Trusted Security Guard Services in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

PT. Garda Sekawan Utama came up with a plan to provide perfect service in providing outsourcing workers who are ready to work, productive, and highly dedicated.

Call the customer service outsourcing security telephone number in the City of Bali from PT. Garda Sekawan Utama at the telephone number listed or click the button that we have prepared now.

Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8133 7054 241
+62 8131 1142 228

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PT. Garda Sekawan Utama

Contact Information

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