Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241 – Are you having problems with pests that often disturb your home? It is not uncommon for pests to mediate the spread of disease, such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and so on. That is why pest control services are needed to create a comfortable and clean residential atmosphere.

About Us

Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU Is a company in the field of facility services that has been operating for the last 5 years in the Bali area and is managed by native sons and daughters of the region who have years of experience with international quality.

One of the sub-fields that we manage is facility services, with several sub-services: Security Guard, Cleaning Service, Parking staff, Admin staff, Engineering staff, and Gardening & Pest Control.
Our workforce is equipped with training, SOPs, and quality control mechanisms from the Bali and Jakarta offices so that the quality of work is maintained properly.

In addition to outsourcing, GSU ​​also serves VIP Assistance, which is a service that accommodates all client needs, from arriving in Bali to returning to their home country, where the client’s needs include: Airport pick-up & delivery (VIP fast track), provision of English speaking vehicles and drivers, police escort, provision of butlers, chefs, guides, medical personnel, ambulances, cruise ships, and others according to client requests.

Our team has experience in this VIP assistance field because they have served our regular clients from several countries.

Our offices are located in the Denpasar and Jakarta areas, and in recent years have served several local and multi-national clients from various industrial backgrounds in Bali and Jakarta.

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

For more info please see our website:

Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8131 1142 228

+62 8133 7054 241

Admin 1

Admin 2

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Pest control services will help in controlling pests, especially in urban areas. The control measures carried out by technicians are quite diverse, this is adjusted to the type of pest. You can see more information about these services below:

Get to know Pest Control

Pest control activities are a type of pest control that is guided by regulations and competent technicians or staff. The types of pests that are controlled are also limited, a mainly urban pest that attacks urban areas. For example cockroaches, ants, mice, flies, fleas, termites, mosquitoes, and so on.

Control activities must be carried out by trained experts who can carry them out, so they cannot be carried out by just anyone. Therefore, the use of drugs must meet certain doses with the correct method. To apply it requires broad insight and sufficient experience.

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

The Dangers of Pest Pests You Need to Know

Pests often appear without being wanted by humans. Besides being able to interfere with comfort, pest pests are also dangerous for health and detrimental, so the population should be controlled. Here are the dangers of some pest attacks that you need to know:

1. Allergies and Asthma

You must have seen cockroaches in dirty places. These animals are not only hated because of their unpleasant shape, but cockroaches also trigger asthma and allergies. The spread of the disease can be through urine, peeling skin, and cockroach droppings.

This type of pest is more common in dirty residential areas because cockroaches are animals that eat food scraps and even used frying oil. To avoid diseases triggered by cockroach droppings, homeowners must regularly clean all corners of the room.

2. Skin Infection

Flea pests can grow in the home environment through pets. This type of pest carries a skin infection in the form of itching that causes the urge to scratch constantly. Not only attacking pets, but skin infections can also occur in humans.

Therefore, pets with fleas should be taken to the vet immediately. Meanwhile, you need pest control services to sterilize your home so that there are no more fleas that trigger skin infections. The rest of the house’s cleanliness should be maintained so that pest attacks do not occur again.

3. Damage to Home Furniture

Rats and termites are types of pests that often eat away at home furniture. That is why, when the population increases, more and more damaged furniture will be found. These animals often hide in dark corners of the house, for example in the attic area.

Not only keeping home furniture, but rats also spread disease through their droppings and bites. The presence of these pests is certainly very disturbing to humans. If rats are often found in one house, immediately eradicate these pests by utilizing the right control services.

4. Typhoid

One of the causes of typhus is a pathogen carried by flies. As is known, flies often fly and land on food. Even though these pests like to be in dirty areas and collect pathogens on their legs and body.

Food that has been infested by flies may contain pathogens and trigger the emergence of typhus disease. That is why, when flies are often found in the house, effective action is needed. One of them is by contacting a trusted pest control service.

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Reasons for the Need to Use Pest Control Services

To use a pest control service some people may need some consideration. You don’t want your house to get dirty and damaged due to the presence of rats and termites gnawing at the wood. To be more sure, consider some of the important reasons for using the following pest control services:

1. Built by Professionals

In choosing staff to clean pests, of course, not everyone can do it. Only experienced technicians produce optimal performance in dealing with pests. Because the job is not something that should be underestimated because it is related to the use of drugs.

Only the best pest control services choose technicians with extensive knowledge so that the work is completed with totality. Not only concerned with speed, but technicians must be able to work optimally. Likewise, the pest control services we offer.

2. Legality Guarantee

The legality of the pest control service provider is one of the points that must be prioritized. This is because legality is a reference that the service is official so that the safety of the drugs and the techniques used are guaranteed. This is the reason why it is important to use pest control services.

To find out the legality of a company that provides services, you can look for this information on the official web page. The pest control services that we offer have an official deed of establishment and a clear business license so that their legality can be ensured.

3. Good Speed

Another reason why you need a pest control technician can be seen in terms of speed. As is known, getting rid of pests yourself at home will take a lot of time, so you can’t do other activities. The right choice is to use a trusted pest control service.

4. Targeted Pest Control Methods

Control measures taken by technicians will be adjusted to the type of pest attack that exists. For example by spraying, condensing, fumigating, fumigation, and so on. With the selection of the appropriate method, the treatment will be right on target.

5. Safer

Every treatment performed by a technician is guaranteed safety. You don’t have to worry about pest attacks anymore, because cleaning actions will make the environment free from all kinds of annoying pest attacks. Thus, the occupants of the house will feel calmer.

6. Maximum Results

Pest control service providers have special medicines and are supported with complete equipment. Thus, the process of eradicating pests that interfere with housing will run optimally. That’s why you need pest control services to deal with the spread of pests.

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

Best Pest Control Services

We realize that pest pests are often a concern in the community. Especially because it is able to become an intermediary in the spread of various diseases and allergies that are transmitted, one of which is through contaminated food. It will be unsettling for residents to find the right exterminator.

For this reason, pest control services are present to help control disturbing pests, especially those that breed in residential areas. Through professional technicians and the application of various pest control methods, you can return to your activities without worrying about disturbances from pests.

Our services have a clear vision and mission as well as a legal business establishment permit. The form of work with clients is written in a contractual agreement that can be accounted for. To be sure, you can read testimonials from a number of clients who have used our services.

Using pest control services does require a special budget, but it is worth the benefits received. Especially for a home to industrial scale. Do you have a problem with annoying pests? Immediately contact our admin to help solve the problem.

Best Pest Control Service in Bali, Call WA 081311142228/081337054241

PT. Garda Sekawan Utama came up with a plan to provide perfect service in providing outsourcing workers who are ready to work, productive, and highly dedicated.

Call the customer service telephone number for Pest Control Services in the City of Bali from PT. Garda Sekawan Utama at the telephone number listed or click the button that we have prepared now.

For more info please see our website:

Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8131 1142 228

+62 8133 7054 241

Admin 1

Admin 2

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