Office Cleaning Service in Bali, Professional Outsourcing Call WA 081311142228/081337054241 – It is undeniable that cleanliness is a necessity for some people, especially for rooms that are often used. A number of obstacles are often encountered when doing self-cleaning. For this reason, the existence of a cleaning service can be the solution.
Given that if a room is left alone in a dirty state, it is likely to become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria can occur. And do not rule out if it triggers a number of diseases. If you experience problems, we as a cleaning service provider are ready to help.
About Us
Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU Is a company in the field of facility services that has been operating for the last 5 years in the Bali area and is managed by native sons and daughters of the region who have years of experience with international quality.
One of the sub-fields that we manage is facility services, with several sub-services: Security Guard, Cleaning Service, Parking staff, Admin staff, Engineering staff, and Gardening & Pest Control.
Our workforce is equipped with training, SOPs, and quality control mechanisms from the Bali and Jakarta offices so that the quality of work is maintained properly.
In addition to outsourcing, GSU also serves VIP Assistance, which is a service that accommodates all client needs, from arriving in Bali to returning to their home country, where the client’s needs include: Airport pick-up & delivery (VIP fast track), provision of English speaking vehicles and drivers, police escort, provision of butlers, chefs, guides, medical personnel, ambulances, cruise ships, and others according to client requests.
Our team has experience in this VIP assistance field because they have served our regular clients from several countries.
Our offices are located in the Denpasar and Jakarta areas, and in recent years have served several local and multi-national clients from various industrial backgrounds in Bali and Jakarta.
For more info please see our website:
Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8131 1142 228
+62 8133 7054 241
Admin 1
Admin 2
Office Cleaning Service in Bali, Professional Outsourcing Call WA 081311142228/081337054241
Obstacles When Cleaning the Room Independently
In general, carrying out a certain activity between professionals who are already professional and those who are not enough will produce different results. This includes cleaning activities. Given that several obstacles are often experienced when cleaning the room independently, such as the following:
1. Often Delayed So Dirt accumulates
In general, if you are cleaning a part of a room it may only take about 15 to 20 minutes. However, by delaying the cleaning, the cleaning can be completed within 30 minutes or even a few hours.
2. Starting With the Wrong Step
The next mistake to do self-cleaning is to start by using the wrong steps. For this reason, a good calculation is needed so that the work done does not need to be repeated which can make time and energy wasted.
For example, when cleaning the floor, such as sweeping and mopping at the same time. However, the dust section has not been cleaned so the process of cleaning dust from chairs, ceilings, and others will again make the floor dirty. Indirectly the floor becomes dirty and needs to be re-cleaned.
3. Using the Wrong Product
The use of products to clean the room that is not right can make stains or other dirt that is strongly attached difficult to remove. This will require more power. Not infrequently such cleaning requires repetition up to several times.
For this reason, it can be said that the selection of cleaning products is also quite important. Because this can affect the cost and time that has been spent. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to a product so that it can match the stains on the floor or other parts.
4. Improper use of cleaning tools
In addition to errors in the use of cleaning products, another obstacle in cleaning the room is the use of inappropriate tools. The reason is that the use of improper cleaning tools is likely to make the condition of the room worse than before.
Not only that, bacteria and germs can spread more because of this. A small example is the part of a vacuum cleaner that in dirty conditions can emit dust every time it is used. That way it can be said that the cleanliness of the tools to clean the room is also important.
Office Cleaning Service in Bali, Professional Outsourcing Call WA 081311142228/081337054241
Reasons to Use Cleaning Service From Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU
Starting from several obstacles that are often faced when cleaning the room independently, many people prefer to use the existing cleaning services as a way out. This is because some groups have their reasons as follows:
1. Have a Professional Staff
The first list is why you prefer to use Balinese cleaning services from Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU because they can be handled by professional staff. Of course, this will be quite different from doing the original cleaning without considering several things. If you are a professional, of course, you have several advantages.
An example is such as the performance offered to customers. Because these professionals are already prioritizing your satisfaction as a customer. The quality of cleaning offered also can not be underestimated.
2. Experienced
Apart from having been handled by professionals, another reason for using a cleaning service is that they have experience in the field of cleaning. It can be said that quite several customers have used our services so that in terms of experience, it is quite good.
For a precautionary measure, here you as a customer can check the track record of the cleaning service provider. That way you can judge the quality of a cleaning service. Given the existence of experience is quite helpful in terms of fulfilling customer demands.
3. Comes with Quality Tools
Not only in terms of personnel who have entered the category of qualified professionals. Because the cleaning service provider also comes with a variety of cleaning tools that are not inferior in quality. A number of these tools can later be used to support the work of the cleaning staff on duty.
It can be said that a number of these tools fall into the modern category and are not infrequently the latest output tools. All of these things are nothing but satisfying the needs of customers. Armed with good quality tools can provide satisfactory cleaning results as long as they are used according to the rules.
4. Have a license to operate
The next list of reason why some people use existing cleaning services to clean their rooms is because of an operating permit. Of course, the existence of this permit is required for the use of several cleaning tools that act as work supports.
In general, this kind of permit is required with something related to worker safety and related to procedures for using the tool. In other words, the use of these cleaning tools does not harm the workers. If the office is cleaned, it will not harm employees and others.
5. Have a definite schedule
Generally, cleaning service providers have a definite operational schedule. That way later you can place an order according to the existing schedule. Of course, this can be seen from the punctuality when carrying out tasks in cleaning the house or office.
Considering that in a fast-paced era like today, the needs of a person also increase. That way you can choose a cleaning service provider that has good performance and good performance speed.
6. Reasonable Rates
It is undeniable that in choosing a service or product, price is an important consideration. Make sure that the cleaning service you choose has a reasonable price. An example is when the price is more expensive but the service provided is better then it can be considered.
Office Cleaning Service in Bali, Professional Outsourcing Call WA 081311142228/081337054241
Quality Cleaning Service in Bali
If you experience several problems in cleaning the room independently, whether due to limited knowledge of several cleaning products or tools or for other reasons, then we as a cleaning service provider are ready to assist you in having the desired clean room.
Of the various obstacles that are often faced when doing self-cleaning, no doubt several people choose to use the cleaning service in Bali from Garda Sekawan Utama / GSU as the solution. Choose us because we come with experienced professionals. Of course, the quality of cleanliness is unquestionable.
Office Cleaning Service in Bali, Professional Outsourcing Call WA 081311142228/081337054241
PT. Garda Sekawan Utama came up with a plan to provide perfect service in providing outsourcing workers who are ready to work, productive, and highly dedicated.
Call the cleaning service manpower telephone number in the City of Bali from PT. Garda Sekawan Utama at the telephone number listed or click the button that we have prepared now.
For more info please see our website:
Contact Information
Jl. Raya Pemogan No.110, Lantai 2, pemogan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali 80221
+62 8131 1142 228
+62 8133 7054 241
Admin 1
Admin 2